To find out what you would do if you weren’t scared practice Yoga. Yoga puts you in touch with your authentic true self by streaming Prana—the energy medicine of Yoga—through your body.
Prana cleanses out negative conditioning by burrowing deeper and deeper into our bodies to dissolve underlying emotional blockages and physical ailments built up through destructive images, cellular memories and belief systems.
As these patterns dissolve we know more about ourselves and come to understand what holds us back, what we need to do about it and how to go about doing it.
Yoga gives us the strength to act on these deeper insights in our DAILY LIVES— strengthening the weaker areas of our personalities.
This sends us on an on-going adventure of self-discovery and growth fueled by the mindfulness that arises out of our Yoga practice—in spite of the inevitable setbacks and limitations. That’s what makes it exciting!
Excerpt from Sandra’s book:
Photo by Mairen Kops Sandra 72 years young.