Author Archives: sandra



Live Toning Session with Sandra at the Vancouver Yoga & Toning Workshop – September 29, 2012

Sandra’s toning sounds stimulate the energy body

  • Our bodies are composed of .01% physical matter and 99.99% energy or light!
  • The energy body has other names such as, Vital Body, Subtle Body, Energetic Body, Pranic Body, Crystal Body, Diamond Body and Light Body.
  • Since we are mostly made up of light or energy, stimulating the energy body with toning is most effective.

Poem—”The Old Lady”

Dearest Sandra,

Two years ago at the Yoga Retreat we were thrusting our pelvis. I felt a huge rush. It came from the ground, through my feet and up through my legs. I got frightened.I knew that something was leaving my body – something that was a part of who I was. The woosh came up through my hips and abdomen – up through my chest. It happened in an instant. As it reached my upper chest and throat I collapsed crying. I knew that I had lost something as the woosh left through my crown chakra. And I knew that I had stopped something from leaving because when I collapsed I’d tried to hang onto whatever it was I was loosing. I didn`t know what had left. I only knew that I`d lost a part of myself that was gone for good.

I used to drink, probably more than was good for me. Since your retreat March 2011 I just don’t want to drink like I used to.

This year on retreat Sandra you said we all have gifts. I like to write poetry. I consider it my gift to myself. I wrote this poem in June 2011 because of the experience you led me to. I would like to share it with you now.

The Old Lady

I think the old lady moved
I used to watch her from the street
She’d dance like she was dancing
To the memories of every lover
The world has ever known
And she’d drink
I’d see her pour stiff ones
Counting them she knew how many
She could drink
Before she’d have a hangover so bad
She couldn’t pretend it didn’t happen

I stand in the street often
And look through her windows
I miss her
I’m not sure where she went
I only know she doesn’t live here any longer

There is one more thing that I would like to tell you today. I’m not sure what retreat is was – it was a few years ago. We were at the lake and retreat was ending. You said, “Everyone come take your place in the circle.” Sandra, I cried. I cried the entire time we were in circle. You came and stood before me – looking at me and I couldn’t stop crying. I want you to know why. “My place” I have a place in the circle! I am here and I belong here. Amongst all these beautiful people I have a place. And not only do I have a place here I have a place no matter where I am standing. Sandra, you gave me my place in the world. I just want you to know that. I want you to know how grateful I am.

With deep love and gratitude your student, your friend…

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Yoga Heals Our Earth

Thirty years ago, when yoga was weird, and aerobics was popular, I remember standing on a chair in the midst of my yoga class (we were the weirdoes!) to declare that one day yoga would be really popular because it is the vehicle that we need to heal planet earth.

And, that day has come. Yoga has been, and is, a major vehicle of transformation, opening peoples hearts and minds, so they walk this earth with a gentler and kinder step.

Our heart heals first and as tears of pain flow from our original wounds, and we rise up from the ashes to embrace a life of meaning, our minds are more caring and compassionate. This is why yoga is so important and has become so popular in our communities.

Yoga helps each of us to find our way to the place where we can take care of our piece of the earth.  Some make sure the animals are cared for, while others, like those in Yoga Outreach, offer yoga to those without access and still other individuals care about the plants, the animals, the oceans, the air and our place in the cosmos.

Yoga seeps into every corner of our world bringing with it the healing of our hearts and minds.  And then the life-affirming actions that arise out of our yoga practice reach out and into to the hearts and minds of our families, communities and into the world at large.

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OMG Yoga—The Risk and the Rewards

Whew! Just finished reading William Broad’s book, “The Science of Yoga: The Risks and the Rewards”.

I agree with Diane below.  Overall Broad does a service by ushering yoga into the age of scientific investigation. But; there are  “Risks”  in Broad’s book as well.  Here are a few.

Diane’s comments (below) are right on. I, too, practiced Shoulderstand up on blankets, (the way Iyengar personally taught me to!) until my late 30’s (1980) when I was told there was irreversible damage to me neck!  Bone spurs on my cervical spine!

I knew it was the incorrect practice of Shoulderstand!

Searching for answers, Vanda Scarfelli told me to keep the weight  on my elbows, away from my neck.  The head  then moves easily from side-to-side since the cervical spine is free.

The weight then rests on the shoulders (lovely; it takes the stress out of the shoulders!) and the occiput. (This is what creates all those good feelings!)

Also, there is never, ever a chin-lock!  And, never, ever tuck your shoulders under!
This compresses the cervical spine and prevents the head from moving easily from side to side.

Please see my video on the Shoulderstand, Plough and Fish for all of the Rewards with none of the Risks.

In the video I show why placing a blanket or blocks under your shoulders is bad for your neck. It brings the weight higher up your skull. The cervical spine is then crunched between your skull and the neck lock. Ouch!

How did I heal my neck? By practicing Shoulderstand correctly and with the addition of the Fish, which  is amazing for healing necks, (if practiced correctly) and always needs to be practiced after Shoulderstand.

More about William Broad’s book on my next blog!

If you have questions or comments, please let me know.

March 5, 2012
Diane Donovan, Yoga Teacher, Yoga Teacher Trainer – Grand Cayman Island

I just finished reading William Broad’s book “The Science of Yoga”.  I found it to be very good.  He has done a lot of research and his findings are fabulous.

We have been on the cutting edge all along.  I was pleased to hear that basically what we do is what he recommends – being aware, being smart, and taking things one baby step at a time …, that Yoga is not a workout; but, a work-in.

He doesn’t actually say not to do Headstand and Shoulderstand – he just says they shouldn’t be taught in big classes where the teacher is unable to monitor the students.

Unfortunately, the picture he has of doing Shoulderstand is one with the blankets under the shoulders and he seems to think that this is a safer way??? to do Shoulderstand.  I don’t get the impression that he really understands the dynamics of Shoulderstand.

But, what he says is what you have always taught – we do not want to put pressure on the neck or bring the chin to the chest – that it is in doing that, that we could cause arterial damage and possibly a stroke.

Throughout the book he says the benefits far outweigh the risks but that we have to be mindful, be smart in our practice.  He doesn’t go into the energetics of Yoga much at all – just the scientific perspective of Kundalini – and he doesn’t touch on the Spiritual aspects at all.  It is an easy read and I think everyone should read it!

Let me know what you think once you have read it.

Yes, I will, Diane.  As soon as I finish it, I will comment on it right here on my Blog.


Yoga Retreat in Red Dear

March 4th, 2012
Yoga Retreat—Sylvan Lake Baha’i Center—Red Dear, Alberta

Sharing yoga with 45 people at the beautiful Baha’i Center was both a challenge and an inspirational journey of opening into the shadow and the light.

Thank you to Anita Sielecki, president of the Yoga Association of Alberta for her loving care of the space and the participants.

Please click here for a taste of the retreat.


Jacqui’s Poem

February  2012
Jacqui Querin-Fownes, Yoga Teacher, South Surrey BC

By accepting me as I truly am
I have learned from you self-acceptance.

By witnessing you unafraid of your fear,
I have learned to face and to stand down mine.

With you, afire with pure, clean anger
I have burned with the power of my own.


YTT Retreat

February 20th, 2012
4th Annual Yoga Trainers, Teachers & Serious Students Retreat

Missing from photo: Tangi Bell, Deborah Folka, Cheryl Shkurham                     Missing from photo: Tangi Bell, Deborah Folka, Cheryl Shkurham

Wow!  What a retreat!  We climbed the mountain and slid down the other side.
Thank you everybody for sharing your personal space and for reaching out
and being there for others. Your deep heart of compassion
is a blessing for us all. 

“Be true to yourself and trust in your inner strength and spiritual guidance.”

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