Yoga takes you out of your head and places you in your body.
Sinking into your body feels SO good. Those never-ending thoughts, FINALLY, STOP.
You feel better and better and better. TRY IT. And then TRY IT again and again and again.
- Sit in a comfortable position and close your eyes.
- Breathe in slowly and widen your lower ribs.
- Exhale through an open throat with a soft Sound.
- Imagine all of your thoughts streaming out with each Sound.
- Allow your Sounds to be what ever they wish to be.They could be soft deep sighs that grow into deep mournful Sounds.
- Continue for several minutes.
Return to: “My breath breathes me. I am being breathed by my breath.” Sit with your breath for as long as is comfortable.
Sound and your breath empties your thoughts, giving room for the WISDOM OF YOUR UNCONSCIOUS to inform you through INTUITIVE FLASHES, INSIGHTS and IMAGES.
What comes through may be of no consequence—then let it to pass right on by. Or it could be useful—then ACT ON IT IN YOUR DAILY LIFE.
Acting on intuitive insights, you DEVELOP and GROW as a person. Eventually SELF-GROWTH becomes a way of life.
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