My Holiday Season


Me, with my children, Maria, Lana and Marco.

I don’t know if it’s because I come from a big Italian family or because my heart longs for the perfection I hear in Christmas music and multicolored lights but the holiday season is an emotional time for me.

My heart flows towards loved ones near, far and gone and hearing certain Christmas songs, I easily tear up thinking of them.

Allowing myself to pass through these feelings, thoughts and memories, I use them to open my heart to what is around me, whether it be strangers, friends or family. I talk to strangers, reach out to friends and hold my family in my heart with love and good will.

In my family I let go of past grievances and history so we have the opportunity to be our best selves and express gratitude for what I receive from them.

The feelings that flow though me, at this time of year, help me to honour my past, while purging away out-dated memories.

Consciously letting myself feel vulnerable, I allow the energy of the season to re-generate my heart, mind and soul and this helps me to step forward into my new dreams.

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