While Asanas (Yoga positions) strengthen and balance your body they also connect you to emotions, insights and inspirational flashes. You find out what really bothers you; where it comes from; what you feel about it and how YOU can make it better.
Yoga provides the answers. Exploring deep within muscles, joints and tissues, while practicing Asanas, feelings, needs and desires rise up to the surface. Sensing inwardly, we feel our anger, joy, depression and grief. Also, we find out what we need to change; if we are healthy or on the verge of exhaustion, and, if so, why.
Focusing only on the physical aspects, we can easily bypass what our bodies are struggling to tell us. Important pieces that can light our way get shoved down, out of sight and lost, except for the pain and erratic behaviour they cause in our lives.
Yoga Fiction: Yoga Truth, eBook 1
yogafictionyogatruth.com photo by Tangi Bell